Store and organise all your source footage in one secure location

How it works

Quick Consent Technology

Quick Consent Technology
1. The Photographer generates a unique
QR code on-location.
2. Each Participant scan the QR code to read the
consent text and signs in seconds.


Companies are facing an increasing demand for visual content while also having to cope with the complexities of expanding privacy legislation. Our certified workflow mitigates legal risk while enabling your marketing team to efficiently scale your content production.

Our customers are typically medium-to-large sized companies looking to insource and take ownership of their visual content production, all while prioritising privacy and proper data governance.


  • Lower costs through content recycling
  • Minimise GDPR administration
  • Enable speed and flexibility
Benefits Banner


  • Take ownership of your data
  • Systematic control of rights and release forms
  • Prioritise security and data governance


Easy cloud access and instant search of all your source footage means quick and low-cost turnaround on your creative projects.

Customer Case

and Backups

Our platform runs on Microsoft Azure with 3rd party encryption. All your data is backed up and stored on servers in Northern Europe.

Tech Documentation
GDPR Compliance Icon


Our fully compliant workflow and legal framework plus automated PDF reports enables your team to handle GDPR documentation in seconds.

Legal Framework

GDPR Safe Workflow

  • Security_sm

    Safely store and manage
    Safely store and manage all your source footage in the cloud. Our platform is built from scratch to accommodate GDPR challenges faced by content teams.

  • Legalsm

    Legal documentation
    Legal documentation and standardised consent forms and contracts that minimises risk and compliance issues.

  • Smartphone

    Digital Consent Capture Technology
    Digital Consent Capture Technology makes collecting and managing consent forms convenient for both photographers and participants on-location.

  • GDPR Safe Workflow PDF Reports

    PDF reports
    Automated PDF reports makes GDPR documentation way easier by using our standardised and certified admin tools.




Limited storage and traffic.
Recommeded for compressed HD

550 /Month
  • 2T of cloud storage
  • 100 Release forms
  • Standardised GDPR framework
  • Digital consent forms capture

Large storage capacity and traffic.
Recommended for uncompresed and 4K
video workflows.

850 /Month
  • 10T of cloud storage
  • 500 Release forms
  • Standardised GDPR framework
  • Digital consent forms capture

For multinational organisations.
Tailor your package to your storage
needs and legal requirements.

  • +10T of cloud storage
  • Unlimited users
  • Custom GDPR and legal setup
  • Digital consent forms capture
  • MS Active Directory option


  • Account Login Icon

    Account setup
    Our onboarding typically begins by establishing your basic legal requirements so we can setup your consent forms in the system. Then we provide simple guidelines to your staff so they are qualified to handle personal data for marketing purposes.

  • Staff Training Services

    Staff training
    Using our software requires limited training and our YouTube channel contains multiple types of training videos covering both legal guidelines and software tutorials. Our staff can also sort, optimize and import legacy footage for our clients.

  • Filmmaking classes

    Filmmaking classes
    Many of our clients are actively insourcing and upgrading their internal resources to handle the growing demand for professional video content. With our extended training program, we offer practical hands-on training in all aspects of corporate filmmaking.


Microsoft for Startups Icon

Tech support and funding

Innovationslondon Icon

Early stage funding

Poul Schmith Icon

Data protection advice

About us

Behind is built by corporate filmmakers and legal experts with more than 15 years of hands-on experience in Denmark. Our standardized workflow and legal structure ensures a high degree of transparency and accountability.


Media Cloud ApS
Lundsgade 6
2100 Copenhagen

Tel. +45 2620 2313

VAT# DK43982028
Contact us phone For more insights and guidelines
on GDPR safe content production
About Alt Denmark Address